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Baby-led weaning is all about offering your baby a selection of foods to choose from and letting them feed themselves. Introducing your little one to solids through baby-led weaning allows them to be in charge, explore, and choose what they pick up and eat. This means they’re more likely to develop the skills needed for swallowing safely.

So far so simple, but here we explain what else you might want to know before deciding to introduce s...

A common concern when parents start giving their baby solid foods, is the fear of choking. It’s a real worry and can make you scared to start giving your baby finger foods.

A study carried out in 2016 found that there is no greater risk of babies choking if they do baby led weaning compared to babies who start with purees.

That said, all babies should be closely supervised when they start weaning and never left alone while eating, even fo...

Keep baby’s milk feeds unchanged

When you begin weaning your baby’s milk feeds all remain unchanged. It’s important for baby to continue to get the nutrition she needs from her bottle or breastmilk.

Offer soft, mild finger foods as batons

Start baby led weaning by giving your baby soft foods, which are mild and easy to digest and then gradually introduce them to new textures and tastes. Cut first foods into slices and batons that are big ...

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